Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, November 3, 2013: Aglow in the Dark

camel eclipse boston globe photography

In astrology a solar eclipse is considered stronger than a new moon. It is still a new moon though, and has similar astrological meaning in the sense that it is about planting a seed for something new, for something yet to come. Historically, a solar eclipse brought fear, especially in areas where it is can be seen, for temporarily there is an obscuring of one body of light in the presence of another. Not just any light, but that of the sun: the most necessary and important light of all. Eclipses generally corresponded to big events and turning points in people’s lives – not unlike a rite of passage. Also, astrologically speaking, eclipses have a wider range of impact than a new or full moon, and can be felt up to a week or more before and after the eclipse date. I’ve heard astrologers quote longer time periods as well.

This solar eclipse is taking place in the sign of Scorpio. The sign that has everything to do with espionage and subterfuge, maybe this is why we have a lot of news right now internationally regarding the spying that the U.S. has been doing. 

The Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 12 is, “an official embassy ball.” According to Nicholas Devore’s, Encyclopedia of Astrology this is a degree of business. Well, perhaps this is a ball by sheer number, not so much celebratory. It definitely points to a lot of movement among international dignitaries, not too cheery.

What strikes me about this solar eclipse chart is the series of trines (120 degrees) which show a lot of zippy energy into the Scorpio Eclipse (Sun/Moon). This sort of aggrandizes, or jacks up what’s happening here in the sign of the scorpion. Also, Jupiter, the planet of abundance is also a symbol for pomp and regalia –he will be retrograding on November 7th, introverting any assumed air of entitlement.

The Neptune-involved T-square aspect at the full moon in Taurus on November 17, communicates back to this Solar eclipse that there’s something removed from reality about the Neptune in Pisces trine sun/moon conjunction in Scorpio. There’s a bit of shock about it all, or confusion about “why’s this happening?” Some ideal is being unmet, or unseen. There’s some muddy water surrounding it, illusions (Neptune). More will be revealed at the Full Moon, or at least, what’s going on will become clearer then. Neptune undraws lines. But, lines will still be drawn.

Saturn is conjunct the Sun during this solar eclipse on the 3rd. Themes of father, fatherhood, authority, the establishment, and constraints on time come up. There is also awareness of discipline needed to reach goals and navigate intensity surrounding the eclipse. This is Saturn speaking to those well-trained. Otherwise, it’s like black paint’s been smeared all over your new blueprints – push-back onto old habits and structures. Perhaps the new blueprints aren’t ready until they are fully tested. Like, how well did you have them memorized? Can you redo them?


Another notable aspect of the solar eclipse chart is Uranus’s yod Aspect. A yod is also referred to as the “finger of god,” and it sometimes gets distinction with astrologers as an “aspect of fate.” Essentially what it is is an arrow pointing to one planet that marks it as the point of adjustment between two other planets, which form quincunxes (150 degrees) to it. The two planets are sextile (60 degrees) to each other. So, taking all 3 points together, it looks like a long, skinny piece of pie. The tip of the pie, the part that would touch the pie’s center, that’s where the yod points to –the adjustment point.

In this case, in the solar eclipse chart, you have Uranus in Aries at the adjustment point. Mars in Virgo (point 1) and the Sun/Moon eclipse (point 2) both quincunx Uranus in Aries (point 3). Generally speaking, let’s look at the U.S. healthcare plan. The website for the healthcare program (Mars in Virgo) needs a lot of work if it’s going to revolutionize (Uranus) how individuals get insurance coverage (Scorpio deals with the insurance stuff, and loans, and taxes). In fact, the key to making this whole new healthcare system work is the internet/technology (Uranus) facilitating its start (Aries). The yod (the finger of god) points to Uranus.

The “Finger of God” aspect sounds pretty dramatic when taken by itself, but there are bigger or longer patterns in effect. Uranus is involved in the ‘Uranus square Pluto’ transit lasting until 2015, which is part of the larger Uranus/Pluto cycle which started with the conjunction back in 1966.


Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. Pluto continues to be in and out of exact square aspect with Uranus up until 2015, with another exact square on November 1, 2013, 3:30 PDT (Rx Uranus in Aries @ 9’26’’ and Pluto Direct at 9’26’’ Capricorn). The history of this Uranus/Pluto cycle began with the conjunction of the planets on January 7, 1966. That’s when Uranus and Pluto were side by side, in the sign of Virgo. We are talking about a 138 year Uranus/Pluto cycle here, ending at the beginning of the next one, in 2104 in the sign of Taurus. What we are currently experiencing is a square. A square is a tough aspect, it creates friction, hardship, and requires some creativity, some testing. We’re dealing with the square part of the cycle for about 4 years, from 2012-2015. Personally, I prefer a square to the quincunx. The quincunx looks like nothing is happening but the energy is all frustrated (which can run amok). With the square, at least something is happening, there are sparks, and it’s creative.

A solar eclipse in the sign that is ruled by Pluto is gonna bring on this pattern with greater potency, especially since an exact square of Uranus/Pluto is within 2 days of the Scorpio Eclipse. This should make for a very interesting and particularly ghoulish Halloween. Have some fun with it. Dress up like your alter ego or something, bring some levity and some treats, everyone will appreciate that. Be careful with the caramel in the candied apple – that could ruin some teeth!


Scorpio is all about the urge to merge. But it’s also the kind of energy that wants to destroy itself, to get so entirely consumed with the intensity of the object of desire that it transforms its own very essence. This is Scorpio’s gift: transformation. This is really about the phoenix rising from the ashes, something so innate, where purging is the process that brings growth; it’s the dark and sometimes ugly stuff that really, really creates the fuel for the happy, pretty things in life.

I see a lot of breakthroughs in this solar eclipse not the kind of outward progress than can be seen in the news, but the kind of under-the-layers (Scorpio) unseen breakthroughs.
There’s a small theme that starts now with Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, looking ahead at the full moon in Taurus on November 17, I see that Mars in Virgo will get some kind of props for a job well done. For those who assert (Mars) themselves in assisting others (Virgo) to help get things in order, to develop practical methods for actualizing Neptune (ideals, utopia). In Virgo, being “right” is relinquished for being truly helpful. Utilize reasoning rightfully now.

I said this before with Saturn’s presence and since the planet is such a major player (the ruler of Pluto occupied Capricorn right now, and conjunct solar eclipse), it’s still very valid. Maintain the focus, keep the discipline, and use the quickly flowing, uninterrupted trine energy to release some pressure valves in your life. Find protected areas to blow off some steam, and channel any mobilized energy into financial and joint pursuits. Consider your insurance policies carefully, and order your affairs. Basically, Scorpio helps us look deeply –I mean to look really deeply into just about, well, Anything…even into things apparently ‘not there.’